Sunday 27 May 2012

The value of time

since I come from a place where corporal punishment is BANNED............................. 
the other day when i was late for class i was forced to write a long ass essay on the value of time. Since i feel as if i have written a cool essay and it just got shredder before it was read (ass huh?) i feel that you the faithful readers of my blog should get a chance to read my genius writing 
so here goes .................  

the value of time 
by zedenstein 

when humans learn the true value of time we learn how to work, play, and plan. we finally take control of our lives  and do what we need to, when we need to. when we learn this we transform into something amazing, that can even surpass the abilities of a machine. we become what god intended for us to become, we become the ultimate supernatural machine in the entire universe .

the value of time is something that rules our life more than we can ever imagine. Time dictates EVERYTHING it dictates when we are born, when we take our first step, stop using dummies, leave school, time even determine when we die. Time also decides what you will become one you leave your schools "hallowed halls" 

we find that time plays a part in every task you attempt n matter how small and insignificant that task is. time is the deciding factor on how we do it, how long we take to do it, and why we even bother attempting that task      

philosophers say that we are slaves to time and the work of poet John Donne has convinced me of this specific argument in his poem "death be not proud" as he states that death is a slave to time and every living organism is a slave to death as everything must die (it is only the cycle of life) therefore in this warped equation of how the universe works we are truly the slaves of time 

Value is present in everything therefore time to would be a recurring factor in everything involving the universe and how  it works. we use mathematics to determine the amount of time it would take for a certain star to burn out and turn into a black-hole. maths also determines things like how much time is taken for a falling meteor to reach earths atmosphere. in that time certain arrangements could be made so the planet is not badly impacted  by such circumstances  

to conclude this essay on the value of time. one cannot over emphasise how important it is to take time into consideration with all the actions  we do every minute of every hour of everyday. so my fellow human i urge you to learn how to value your time as it's an important skill which will aid you in your every endeavour       

sorry for bad grammar and punctuation this girl seems lazy to type 

so let me know what you think 

love peace and zombies 

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